Support Letter :)

Dear Family and Friends,
Last October I had the wonderful opportunity to go on a mission trip with Stonebriar Community Church to Galway, Ireland (west coast). I had so much fun and met so many wonderful people. I know who to live with some day ;). We held a family retreat centered on Gods love and Vacation Bible School centered on the Full Armor of God, for Galway City Baptist Church. We also went to the Cliffs of Moher and Trim Castle (Bravehearts Castle).
This year we are doing a fall feastval since halloween will be right around the corner,  a conference for Galway City Baptist Church and another for local pastors. We will then end the trip with our family retreat at the Irish manor we stayed at last year. I cannot wait to go back and see everyone!
We are leaving October 20th and we will be returning on the 1st of November. Some ways you can help is by praying. Praying is the most important part of this trip! You can also help financially. I need to raise $3000, by Oct 2nd. If you would like to support me financially you can make checks out to Stonebriar Community Church and  put my PC# “2990” in the memo line . You can mail them to the address below. I am also starting a facebook group to keep you updated.
Sarah Bailey
PO Box 213
Prospoer, TX 75078

I thank you so much!!